Friday, 21 November 2008

Prayer for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

O Christ, Jesus, I acknowledge Thee as Universal King.
All that has been made, was created for Thee.
Exercise over me all the rights that Thou hast.
I renew my Baptismal Promises, renouncing Satan,
his pomps and his works, and I promise to live as a good Christian.
Especially, do I pledge myself, by all the means in my power,
to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church.
Divine Heart of Jesus, I consecrate all my poor actions to the
cause of Thy Kingship, that all hearts may recognize Thee their Ruler
and thus establish the Kingdom of Thy Peace in all the world. Amen.

Prayer of Faithful

Let us pray for the mother Church, that may through her we learn to shepherd one another with the love and compassion of Christ and may we be willing to take the first step in helping others without expectation of their response or expectation of return for ourselves. We pray this to the Lord

Let us pray for all those who will celebrate Thanksgiving this week: may their hearts be filled with gratitude for the gifts they have received until now and will receive in this coming week and days to come, and with generosity toward those in needs. We pray this to the Lord.

Let us pray for all those who are away from home and loved ones; especially for the student’s community, for group of workers: that may God guide their travel, preserve them from harm and lead them back home safely filled with the success and happiness they will achieve. We pray this to the Lord.

Let us pray for all the migrants, that may this coming winter and thanks giving celebrations bring them the sufficient warmth and blessings from our God and, protect them from harm, and stir their hearts to greater compassion. May they get the grace to imitate Christ our King and stay away from evil. We pray this to the Lord.

Let us pray for all of us gathered here to celebrate the “Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ as the King”, May we all not only respect the King of creation but also seek glory in his justice and live in his love. May we all realize that the kingdom that we celebrate today is a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love, and peace. We pray this to the Lord.